Unexpected Benefits of WRCC Membership

Unexpected Benefits of Membership By Kathy Schroth Some of you may remember that Molly found a young cat on the middle of the Granville Bridge, apparently looking for assistance. Being Molly, she tucked him in her jersey and gave him a ride. We were thrilled to adopt him and named him Carl after the handsome young man in The Restaurant (which I highly recommend, by the way). "Carl" hitchhikes home in Molly's jersey... The vet said he was at least a year old despite weighing only 5.1 pounds and he had definitely spent the winter outside because of his heavy coat. The first week or two he ate can after can of cat food with no apparent preference and plenty of crunchies in between. Zac Ready, a DVM student at Purdue, gives Carl a checkup Six weeks later, when he was (finally!!) neutered after a delay due to the virus, he weighed 6.8 pounds and seems likely to remain kitten-like in size. And he now has definite preferences when it comes to cat food flavor...