Instructions for Submitting Blog Posts

Are you an aspiring author, a thoughtful wordsmith, nailed an awesome ride photo or bursting with excitement to share your experiences on a Club Ride, tour or race? The WRCC is looking for you! Please consider submitting a blog post to showcase the wide, diverse culture that our cycling community has! We are looking for ride reports for out-of-town tours, events & races, rider perspectives on categories, commuting & community, pearls of wisdom that you've gathered over the years, photographs of epic rides, sunsets/sunrises & smiles, etc! These blog posts will supplement our Paceline Newsletters that are published monthly, as well as pertinent news reported on our webpage and on our social media spaces. As you craft your submission, please take these guidelines into consideration:

  1. All submissions are welcome, no matter your age, gender, preferred ride category or style of riding! We encourage you to express your bike experiences with your unique words and photographs. Ideas for post submissions include:
    1. Ride Reports: did you attend a out-of-town ride or tour? Did you compete in a race or complete a large event? Was the ride epic (the answer is always, yes!)? The WRCC members want to hear about it!
    2. Pearls of Wisdom: Are you a seasoned rider with a vast amount of knowledge you would like to bestow upon your fellow cyclist? Have you developed a handy mechanical fix that everyone needs to know? Is there some scientific data that you have been collecting regarding the efficiency of certain parts of bikes? If you know it, then the WRCC members want to know it.
    3. Cycling Community: Our Club is best known for the friendships we make & community we build - simply send a photograph of your group ride having a great time, or take a couple of minutes to explain why the group ride you just finished was the best thing that happened all week.
    4. Off-Season Adventures: Did you build a bike up from new or spare parts? Are you participating in cross-training (strength training, yoga, swimming, running) or alternative forms of cycling (spin class, virtual rides)? Keep the spirit of the WRCC alive during the droll winter months.
    5. Big or Small, We Ride Them All: Not all cyclists ride a road bike - if you've been hitting the mountain bike trails, discovering the appeal of riding on gravel, mastering the unicycle, or have invested time in giving back to the community, submit your experiences!
    6. Other: Previous newsletters have featured advice columns, healthy recipes, training plans, how-to's and encouragements.
  2. These posts will be public and are a reflection of the Wabash River Cycle Club. Please use your words and photos with intention. Refrain from derogatory, politically-charged or hurtful language.
  3.  Please double check your spelling and grammar. The website & social media coordinators may edit your submission for spelling, grammar and content.
  4. The website & social media coordinators will give final approval to all blog posts. You may make appeals to the Executive Board.

Please send your blog submission to (Subject: BLOG SUBMISSION) with the following:

Your Name: (all submissions will be published with the author's name)
E-mail: (will not be published unless permission is granted by the author)
URL: (for those individuals who keep their own blog)
Content: (Please keep submissions between 500 to 1,000 words & submit in a Word Doc)
Photographs: (Please include credit of photographer)