The Butterflies & The Bees & The Bicyclists

Dear Cyclists: I asked Steve Yaninek, our entomology professor member, for some info about the insects that riders at the WRR might see at this time of year. I was just expecting some quick, fun trivia to share on Facebook in my role as social media coordinator. But he actually sent me a really informative piece that I think would be of interest to anyone traveling through our area on two wheels— us most of all! Steve mentioned butterflies, and if you follow club member Jane Yatcilla, you’ll have noticed some amazing butterfly photos she’s taken in her garden. Jane graciously allowed me to use her photos here. Thanks, Steve and Jane! —Melissa McCurley From the Desk of Steve Yanninek, Entomology Professor at Purdue Univeristy & Local Cycling Enthusiast: It’s still hot and humid, but the days are already getting shorter and many insects have completed their summer work, and will now begin to prepare for winter. This is the time of year when riding your bike out of town through field...