February 2019 Paceline News
by Pat Boling, WRCC President Bicycling junkies really miss warm weather and being able to go out for rides several times a week. I know, I’ve become one. Although I’ve ridden bikes and commuted by bike to work my whole life, I didn’t always ride so much—I only started road biking recreationally in 2002. The first few years it was mild: I’d ride here and there, not too fast. I led and went on other people’s D rides (they were called B rides back then). I’d do bakery runs to Brookston a few times a summer, and figure out new routes by consulting Charlie Myers’ 8 ½ by 11 inch collection of maps of rides in Tippecanoe County. I ran a lot, and swam a lot too. Since I wanted to do some tri’s, it made since to amp up the cycling a little bit. Around the same time, I started dating, and my first boyfriend was a cyclist. It was love at first sight! ...